June 30, 2010

Have You Heard of Decorator Tag Sale?

I have to be completely honest...I've never heard of Decorator Tag Sale before, but as I surfed the web and clicked on shelter pop, I came across the seemingly "new" catch phrase, and I instantly had to know more. I am the first to admit that I'm probably behind and maybe many of you were already in the "know"...but for those of us who weren't, then maybe you are as ecstatic as I am.  So here's what I found: anyone can now find those gorgeous items that we covet so closely and are constantly used by our favorite designers on one site...and they're on sale. Yes, I said sale. I know, I know...stop screaming and jumping for just one moment while I share a couple of items I found here:

{antique mirror}

{leather chair...I think we've seen this chair in a Domino spread next to a glass and chrome desk}

{steel stool}

{outdoor bar}


The following are two examples of work belonging to two designers from the many featured on decoratortagsale.com:

 {John Lock}

{Timothy Whealon}

How many of you were already familiar with decoratortagsale.com..and what do you think?

June 29, 2010


I just got back from Ikea...my boyfriend was nice enough to take time from his busy schedule to go with me and carry the coveted rug to my car for me. As you may remember, I blogged about my previous hunt for this rug here. ...But now it's home with me.

Retails for $149.

June 28, 2010

Magnificent Monday

On this Magnificent Monday, many are making plans for Fourth of July weekend, so in the spirit of the fiery, sparkling celebration, I decided to look for some 4th of July decor inspiration...and this is what I found at msn.com.

June 25, 2010

Where I Slumber

I have a confession...I've been hesitant to share my home because a home, to me, is not simply where one dwells, but it is where one dreams, creates, and shares special moments with those who are the dearest to them...Therefore, for me, it is an extremely private space. However, I feel it is necessary to share how I incorporate my sense of style and aesthetics in my own home...especially if I'm blogging about it. So, I've decided to begin taking baby steps...and having said that....I am now prepared to share my bedroom with all of you. Here it is:

All images via my blackberry.

As you can tell, I am not completely done...I still need to find the perfectly gorgeous table lamps to flank the bed...If I don't choose table lamps..then I want to choose the perfect "knick-knack". 

Freedom Friday....Live Freely. Live Inspired.

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

June 24, 2010

Annette Joseph

I blogged about Annette Joseph's project for Gwyneth Paltrow a couple of days ago (go here to read it again). I loved her sense of design so much that I had to find out a bit more. Annette Joseph is a photostylist who has an impressive resume....and after viewing her work...I have to say that... I fell in love with her Atlanta home.

 {all images via Annette Joseph's website}

To read more about Annette's work and adventures go to her blog.

June 22, 2010

Gwyenth Paltrow's Reno in Nashville

 Is Gwyneth filming in Nashville? Annette Joseph must have been thrilled to hear from Paltrow's people and asked to transform a temporary space for Gwyneth and her family in downtown Nashville. For the full article go here. And, the transformation looks FAB. This reno. speaks loudly to the clean lines of modern design. 

all images via shelterpop.

Can you believe Annette Joseph  created this masterpiece in 10 days? What do ya think?

June 21, 2010

Magnificent Monday

On this Magnificent Monday, I want to share an oldie but a goodie....Concha Nacar...also known as Mother of Pearl face scrub. I remember listening to my mom and her sisters talk about this product every once in a while, while I was growing up. They raved about its great ability to polish the skin and even out its tone.  My mom always enforced the importance of taking care of your skin, and I also remember my mother emphatically saying, "Stay OUT of the Sun!" And to this day, I always keep that in mind. I know it's difficult especially since I was born and raised in beautiful, sunny California...but it's doable. I simply walk on the shaded side of the street, drive everywhere, and wear sunblock. But I must say this, I've been using Concha Nacar for about a week now; it truly polishes the skin, and it has added an extra glow to my skin. So far, I love it! I've also been trying Natural Soap Mother of Pear by Grisi. This, like Concha Nacar, also incorporates conchiolin powder...this is a protein present in pearl powder. I'm not sure what it does...but I can say this: this soap leaves my skin feeling super soft and glowing. 

I bought both products at Target. 

June 17, 2010

What Every Woman Needs...

No woman would disagree...WE need a large, roomy, gorgeous closet. Every morning I spend about 20 minutes trying to decide what to wear. I fumble through my closet and lay outfit after outfit on my bed trying to figure out which outfit speaks to my sense of style and which will be comfortable and stylish at the same time. My mornings would run a lot smoother if I had a roomy, gorgeous closet to work with. I would be happy with any of the following:

{This closet looks doable}
{Mariah's closet looks more like a shoe store...and I love it}
 {Eva's closet seems to beautifully display gorgeous pieces}

 {Olivia's closet has a sense of old Hollywood glam.}

{Paris' use of a mirrored cabinet also adds a sense of old Hollywood}

images via photobucket

June 16, 2010

Sometimes It's All in the Art

As I've mentioned recently, I am thinking of redoing my office this summer...but this will only happen once I'm completely done with my guest bedroom. I want what every woman wants...to create an inspiring and beautiful area. Currently, I have two dark but stylish bookshelves I purchased at Ikea, and a sleek stainless steel desk I also purchased at Ikea. Sitting at my desk, I have view of a large wall. A portion of this wall includes an opening to a closet which has been "converted" to an area where I house two filing cabinets, paper, documents, and other necessary office items. So, I have an area of about 9 feet by 9 feet of wall to work with. My gut tells me to display art...and a small portion tells me to make practical use of it...such as use it to display a large vision board. Thank goodness, I have Domino Magazine images to refer to. Here are some examples I am using to conjure inspiration from:

I like the narrow shelves used here to display different items...however, I think something like this may compete with my bookshelves and look way too "crowded".

 This vignette of silhouettes and pictures is lovely, and it reminds me of the room I stayed in when visiting Vegas. I stayed at the Venetian in one of the Venezia suites.

I love this large piece of art...and it is what I'm leaning towards. I think using one large statement piece may be the way to go.

This is a great example of how to use books in a lovely bookshelf as a backdrop to great decor...I think the display of books and other items in this bookshelf are used as the room's "art". 

Again, I am loving the use of one large statement piece as it is used here. Granted, the large piece is flanked by equally beautiful but smaller pieces of art. 

What do you guys think?


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